Scheduled Release: 10/14/2019, 10 a.m. PDT / 5 p.m. UTC, all platforms
Haunted Hallows 2019 begins with this update, and ends on November 11 at 10 a.m. PST / 6 p.m. UTC
New teams have been added to the Esports Shop
A Post-Game Party Up function has been added to the post-game menu
Esports Shop
Items for Complexity and Spacestation Gaming have been added to the Esports Shop item rotation
Monstercat (Antennae)
‘Half an Orange’
‘Tony Romera’
‘Farmstead (The Upside Down)’ is available in all Online Playlists
‘Farmstead (Night)’ is available in Free Play, Local Matches, and Private Matches
Quick Play
A ‘Quick Play’ button has been added to the Play menu
Using Quick Play will automatically start a game search using the Playlists and Server Regions selected during your last play session
For new players, Quick Play will search for a 3v3 Standard match in the Casual Playlist using the Recommended server region
Post-Game Party Up
After a match ends, you can select ‘Party Up’ in the post-game menu
Selecting Party Up will let your teammates know you want to form a party and continue playing together
If a teammate chooses Party Up before you, selecting this option will add you to that player’s party
Team-Colored Boost Meter
This is a new option that can be toggled on and off under Options > Interface > Team-Colored Boost Meter
When turned on, your Boost Meter’s background color will change to your team color
Custom team colors are supported, as is Colorblind Mode
Refreshed News Panel
The News Panel has been redesigned
Any new news will put the News Panel in the open position when you start the game
You can toggle the News Panel open and closed using X (Nintendo Switch) / Triangle (PlayStation 4) / or Y (Xbox One)
[Farmstead] Arena framework no longer obscures view of the ball when Invisible Goalposts are enabled
Player Cam in Spectator Mode now works as intended
Fixed a stability issue with rapidly scrolling through the Preset list in the post-game lobby
Guardian GXT holographic trim now changes with Paint Finish
Fixed a bug with the Rear View Camera angle not working during Goal Replays or on Victory Screens
Ball indicator now works correctly on Throwback Arena
Animation for Special Edition Wheels no longer resets while previewing other equipped items in the Garage
Adjusted alignment on the ‘Plosion’ Decal for Mudcat GXT
Main Menu's bottom UI no longer present in certain menus after selecting the "Open Now" option