The Headlines
‘Farmstead’ is now available as a Seasonal Arena in all Playlists
‘Wasteland’ and ‘Starbase ARC’ have been redesigned as Standard Arenas
More than 90 FREE new items added as drops and Trade-Ins
‘Accelerator Crate’ has been added
Player Banners have been added as a new Customization Item
The Main Menu has a redesigned blog UI
New features include Transparent Goalposts, Director Camera, and Local Matches (Steam Only)
Competitive Season 5 ends, and Competitive Season 6 begins
Player Banners are being distributed as Season 5 Rewards
Complete list below...
New Content
‘Farmstead’ is now available as a Seasonal Arena in all Playlists
‘Wasteland’ and ‘Starbase ARC’ have been redesigned as Standard Arenas.
Previous versions are now called ‘Badlands’ and ‘ARCtagon,’ can be found in Rumble, Private Matches, and Offline
‘DFH Stadium’ (Day)
‘Champions Field’ (Day)
‘Mannfield’ (Snowy)
Snowy Arena variants will return to Casual and Competitive Playlists during the holiday season
Player Banners
Player Banners are new Customization Items displayed in the main menu and during Goal Replays.
Some Player Banners have customizable background colors, while others may have an animated background.
Some Player Banners may drop with a ‘Painted’ attribute
Player Banners will be available as Common items after any match, while others will be Rare or Very Rare drops after Online Matches, or via the Trade-In system:
More than 90 FREE new items added to the drop rate (including the Player Banners listed above)
‘Accelerator Crate’ has been added
Community Flags
‘Jon Sandman’
Changes and Updates
Players can now change to another Custom Training pack while playing a Custom Training pack
While in a Custom Training pack, pause the game, choose ‘Change Training’ from the in-game menu
‘Stick Sensitivity’ has been added to the Controls menu
At the default value of 1.0, your controller will behave the same as before
Your analog stick input is multiplied by these values. Increasing them makes your controller more sensitive at the cost of some fine-tuned control
At the maximum value of 10.0, your controller behaves like Keyboard steering, turning at maximum speed from any stick tilt
‘Camera Transition Speed’ option has been added to the Camera menu
Increasing this value makes your camera blend between Ball Cam and Player Cam more quickly
‘Always Show Nameplates’ option has been added to the Gameplay menu
When enabled, this option will prevent other players’ nameplates from being hidden even at long distances
All cars are now using one of the standardized presets for handling and hitbox introduced in the Anniversary Update
- Rocket League is now localized in Polish on all platforms
Main Menu
The Main Menu has a redesigned blog UI
The blog is now collapsable
The blog will auto expand if new news has been added since your last play session
More information about live esports events is now included
The new ‘Play’ submenu consolidates all Offline and Online play modes into one section.
Exhibition and Season modes can now be found under ‘Play Local’
‘Stats,’ ‘Leaderboards,’ and ‘League Rankings’ are now found under the ‘Career’ submenu
Transparent Goalposts
A new ‘Transparent Goalposts’ option has been added that causes goalposts and some walls to become see-through when necessary to see the ball
All Arenas but Rocket Labs use this new feature
Transparent Goalposts are enabled by default, but can be toggled off to return to their previous, non-transparent behavior
To disable, uncheck the ‘Transparent Goalposts’ box in your Video settings under the Options submenu
Introduction of sound ducking in the audible items of the garage
When browsing customization items with audio (Goal Explosions, Boosts), in-game background audio/music volume will automatically lower
Added delay before playing ‘hover’ item sound to reduce audio spamming in garage
Performance pass on general gameplay to reduce voice count on lower volume assets
Director Camera (Beta)
A new Spectator camera option called ‘Director’ has been added
The Director is an AI-controlled Camera mode that predicts Shots, Goals, and Saves and cuts to the best player view to frame the action
Competitive Season 5
Competitive Season 5 has ended. Titles and items will be awarded for your highest rank achieved during the season. Season 5 Rewards are custom, non-tradeable Player Banners
Receiving the Season 5 Reward Player Banners is also contingent upon successful completion of Season Reward Levels
Reward Player Banners:
‘Season 5 - Bronze (Dragon)'
‘Season 5 - Silver (Dragon)'
‘Season 5 - Gold (Dragon)'
‘Season 5 - Platinum (Dragon)'
‘Season 5 - Diamond (Dragon)'
‘Season 5 - Champion (Dragon)'
‘Season 5 - Grand Champion (Dragon)'
Season 5 Grand Champions will also receive the 'Season 5 Grand Champion' Title
A second set of Season Reward Player Banners will also be awarded, with the same requirements outlined above:
'Season 5 - Bronze'
'Season 5 - Silver'
'Season 5 - Gold'
'Season 5 - Platinum'
'Season 5 - Diamond'
'Season 5 - Champion'
'Season 5 - Grand Champion'
Competitive Season 6
Competitive Season 6 has begun
Season 6 brings a “soft reset” that requires you to do placement matches in each playlist to recalibrate
Winning half of your placement matches will land you near your previous season ranking
Rank requirements have been updated to distribute more players into Platinum tier and higher, and to reduce the amount of players in Bronze I
League Rankings will be temporarily empty until players complete their placement matches
Local Match (Steam Only)
Players on Steam can now host and join LAN matches directly through the Play menu
‘Host Local Lobby’ to create a LAN server that other players can join on your network
‘Find Local Lobby’ to browse for LAN servers you can connect to
Local / LAN matches allow you and your friends to compete without the need for an internet connection
The LAN Lobby creator is hosting the match on their computer. Using Alt-Tab in Fullscreen mode or taking other actions on that computer may affect server performance. Using a Spectator PC to host the lobby for LAN events is recommended
Known Issues
Starbase ARC has a few textures that aren't rendering correctly at map start
These textures should correct once a match begins, should not affect gameplay
Xbox One may crash in Main Menu if opening and closing too many menus quickly
Bug Fixes
Bumping and Demolish Updates
Fixed an issue where car collisions could be incorrectly handled depending on the order the physics engine processed them in
Fixed an issue where Demolishes and Bumps could be incorrectly handled depending on the depth of its bumper penetration into the other car’s collision.
Ball Indicator on Champions Field has been fixed
Restored Batmobile to its pre-Anniversary Update state based on community feedback
The Steam Controller now works as intended on Mac hardware
Party members can no longer be pulled out of a Ranked match by a Party Leader
Winning player no longer receives a loss when leaving a Ranked 1v1 match during an overtime Goal Replay
Entering Free Play while joining an Online Match no longer prevents players from joining an Online Match
Xbox One
Crash fixes
Fixed a performance issue related to a few Achievements
Fixed an issue where VSync was not being properly disabled even when checked off in the Video Options