A Rocket League hotfix is incoming next week on February 15. Along with some bug fixes and improvements, this hotfix will also add the requirement of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on your Epic Games Account for all player-to-player trades. 

2FA For Player-To-Player Trades

2FA helps to ensure that only you can access your account and inventory. That's why we're making 2FA a requirement for player-to-player Trading. After the update, both players involved in a trade must have 2FA enabled on their Epic Games Accounts. For more information on 2FA, and how to enable it on your Epic Games Account, visit the 2FA page on EpicGames.com

Bug Fixes

This hotfix will also add fixes for two notable bugs. Following the hotfix, you'll once again be able to queue Ranked Matches while playing in splitscreen. And, the issue where "Invite to Party" wasn't appearing when trying to invite a friend to your party has been addressed. Be sure to check out the patch notes on hotfix day for the full list of improvements. 

Expect the hotfix to go live on February 15 at 4 p.m. PST (February 16 at 12:00 a.m. UTC).

Editor's note 2/16/21: As part of enabling 2FA, your Epic Games Account email must also be verified.