Fall Guys: Ultimate Collab

Falling is just a part of life, but what matters is how you pick yourself up again! To celebrate Fall Guys going free on all major platforms, we’ve teamed up with Mediatonic to create Fall Guys Challenge Rewards. Rocket League Arenas aren’t quite big enough for 40-player mode yet, but in the meantime, you can earn Items in both games by logging in and playing Fall Guys with the same Epic Games Account you use to play Rocket League.


Kudos to You!

Beating out 39 other players is a big ask. That’s why players earn rewards just for playing! Players will receive free Rocket League items after completing a set number of rounds in Fall Guys.

In honor of all the chatter, players can unlock the Colorful Canines Player Banner and Topper set. Next up are the anodized Med. Rare Wheels, cooked to juicy perfection. The Animated Cluster Buster Decal brings a bit of Fall Guys flair, while players who go all out and finish 100 rounds can earn the blazing Fallout Boost.

For each challenge you complete, you’ll also earn Fall Guys premium currency known as Kudos! Use it to buy Costumes, Emotes, or Faceplates as you bumble your way to victory.


  • 10 Rounds - Colorful Canines Player Banner 

  • 20 Rounds - Colorful Canines Topper

  • 40 Rounds - Med. Rare Wheels

  • 70 Rounds - Cluster Buster Decal

  • 100 Rounds - Fallout Boost


Ready to go for the crown? Unlock the Fall Guys Challenge Rewards June 29 - July 11.