Since we published Rocket League’s first Community Spotlight back in February, we’ve added a new Featured tab in the Custom Training window as part of the Dropshot Update. Our first Spotlight focused on "Obstacle Course 1," which saw a 30% increase in subscriptions after our post. Now we’re beginning to take a more tactical approach to how we introduce players to community-made content.

We want to try our best to cater to players of all skill levels, as well as provide Custom Training sequences and Steam Workshop maps that help teach our players a broad range of skills and mechanics.

Custom Training

For today's Community Spotlight, we have introduced a new list of Featured Custom Training sequences that will help teach you skills like aerial dribbling, clearing passes off the backboard, and saving shots coming from behind.

If you’re looking to share or explore more community-made Custom Training codes, head over to the RLCustomTraining subredditand RLG’s Training Browser. Both are excellent resources for training codes, and you can share or explore up-and-coming levels as well.

Below you can see the previous 9 codes from the above image, with difficulties ranging a wide spectrum of skill levels.

Author Name Code
G2 Kronovi Angled Shots 04CC-0655-E7D1-99CD
Sir Pancake III Shots, Walls, and Redirects DB16-B097-6181-F26A
GarrettG Consistency Pack #1 65A3-8CEB-9B57-EC16
Torment Defensive Backboard Reads 9F09-E4D3-EAB0-69AD
NRG Jacob Side Wall Clears A9B9-16DF-1975-53F0
Mr Jokerer Warm Up Shots/Clears 21F1-B6A9-2525-C0C8
Poquito Clears 5DA1-EA21-5EF9-EA21
Poquito Ground Shots 6EB1-79B2-33B8-681C
Poquito Saves 2E23-ABD5-20C6-DBD4


Steam Workshop

If Custom Training isn’t your style, then Steam Workshop hosts a handful of challenging scenarios. One such map is "Thanrek’s Aerial Training," which will help fine-tune your aerial abilities as you maneuver your rocket powered car through obstacles.  

With over 50,000 subscribers, and consisting of 12 courses, Aerial Training functions much like Obstacle Course 1, but with more focus on tight maneuvering and vertical control. If you didn’t feel comfortable using air roll, then you’ll be quite familiar with it after finishing this map!

If technical maps and practicing isn’t your style, we will still be sneaking in some of the more irregular and creative Rocket League community content in the future.